
Idora Law Studio helps you think smart from the start to when developing and fortifying your brand. Protecting your marks, logos, and ideas is as important as protecting any other asset in your business.
Our Trademark Services
Educating you developing a strong mark
We help you understand the ways your mark can identify and distinguish your business as a single source of goods or services.
Developing your mark ideas with a solid legal basis and strategic perspective
We provide guidance about what marks are acceptable, which include fanciful, arbitrary, and suggestive. We also help you avoid spending time and resources on unacceptable marks, which include descriptive and generic marks.
Conducting clearance searches with advanced trademark software
We use TMTKO, which is a cutting-edge software that employs intelligent search algorithms to generate thorough search results. We use TMTKO’s comprehensive search analysis to provide you with a detailed overview of confusion and descriptiveness risks so you can make well-informed decisions about potential trademarks.
Registering your mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
We work hand-in-hand with you to complete and file your application with the USPTO and address issues that may arise. We help you understand timelines and process so you are informed every step of the way.
Assisting you with next steps beyond registration
After registration, we can provide monitoring and usage services to make sure others don’t encroach on your registered mark. We can also assist with ongoing maintenance of your mark, including declarations of use, application renewals, declaration of incontestability. We also provide support for clients in licensing, infringement claims, and “fair use” issues.
Coordinating and collaborating with partners for wrap-around services
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